[RISK] Comparison of Leakages of Login Credentials for Five Commonly Used Online Photo Albums.

August 28, 2024
Summary:A large number of users' private photos are stored in the online photo album. Once the hacker succeeds in the account takeover (ATO) attack, the personal privacy will be exposed.
This time we have selected five famous online photo album platforms on the Internet to detect the number of leaked login credentials.We use "Reach/1M" to represent the number of visits to the online photo album per million internet users, and "CredLeak×100" to represent the number of leaked login credentials of the online photo album (note that this number needs to be multiplied by 100).According to the following statistical graph, the larger the gap between the blue and orange diagrams, the lower the leakage ratio is, and vice versa.
It can be seen that among the five online photo album platforms, ( flickr.com, smugmug.com, imgur.com, pinterest.com, shutterfly.com ) imgur.com has a relatively low proportion of leaked login credentials, while shutterfly.com has a relatively high proportion of leaked login credentials.
However, it is worth noting that due to different security policies, the security of user accounts and the potential risk of account takeover (ATO) attacks cannot be generalized based solely on the proportion of leaked login credentials. The proportion of leaked login credentials is only one reference dimension for security.
Despite this, We still recommend notifying the website's members of the leaked login credentials through 'Dark Web Reports', urging them to promptly update their credentials. Regardless of whether 2FA is implemented, securing leaked accounts by locking them and resetting login credentials is a robust security measure. Additionally, it’s advisable to alert affected users to change their passwords immediately. DarkWeb.vc offers highly cost-effective intelligence on login credential leaks to enterprises.