September 06, 2024
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Start - in the mapsin 1989 The publishing house "Briedis" was founded - the pioneer of cartographic publishing in the restored state of Lithuania. in 1990 orienteering and the first tourist maps were published. Professionally prepared informative maps have attracted huge attention of users. And the trotting moose in the corner of the maps suddenly became a name...Specialization - school publishingAlready in 1994 "Briedis" publishing house started preparing publications for schools - original atlases and maps were prepared for the first time in post-Soviet times. Over time, various textbooks, atlases, exercise books, additional teaching aids, assignments, notes for high school exams for the subjects of history, geography, physics, natural science education, and biology have been published. Most of them are prepared by Lithuanian authors: scientists, highly qualified teachers.Didactic consistency - series of textbooksThe publishing house is constantly expanding its activities, preparing new projects, consistently publishing series of textbooks. History teaching tools project "Time", geography - "Earth", physics - "Spectrum", science education "Eureka!", biology - "BIOS", elementary education - "Plus".An important place in the list of publications is occupied by non-disposable teaching aids: maps for various purposes, their sets, posters, models, devices for laboratory work, everything that may be needed to ensure a quality educational process.The mission is innovative and responsible educationBriedis publishing house is one of the few Lithuanian publishing houses that specializes in publishing original publications (created in the publishing house, in a Lithuanian environment, by Lithuanian authors). There is an interest in didactic innovations in Western Europe, so in the textbooks you will always find a versatile methodological apparatus and a harmonious relationship between text and illustrative material adapted to the country's context. The importance of the quality of educational content is perceived, the greatest attention is paid to it, Lithuanian teachers have noticed and appreciate this. The publishing house "Briedis" cooperates with various foundations, educational centers, and organizes qualification seminars for pedagogues. The publishing house has an educational center. Since 1997 information publications and catalogs of individual educational subjects are published every year, reaching all schools and educational centers in Lithuania. They present all the news in detail, as well as the price list of the publications.Briedis actively cooperates with foreign publishing houses. School atlases, posters, maps of history and geography prepared and translated by us are used by Latvian and Estonian schoolchildren.Our vision is the growth of societyPublishing books and textbooks is perceived as a great responsibility and duty to society. We have the opportunity to allow something that would enrich our society, make it more critical, more enlightened, which would more clearly assess its position as a small country surrounded by large neighbors. Therefore, historical, military, and educational books are published, the aim is to translate books of enduring and scientific value into Lithuanian, and to find prominent authors.K. Mickevičiaus leidykla „Briedis“ įgyvendina projektą „MVĮ skaitmeninimas“.Projekto tikslas – K. Mickevičiaus leidykla „Briedis“ elektroninės parduotuvės pardavimo sandorių sudarymo sprendimų diegimas, siekiant persiorientuoti į produktų skaitmeninimą, produktų elektroninę prekybą ir pristatymą.Projekto trukmė 2023-09–2025-05.Bendra projekto vertė 24310,40 Eur, iš kurių 12155,20 Eur finansuojama Europos Sąjungos fondų lėšomis.img.png 16.02 KB(9, 'Andrius', 'Beniusis', '', 'Andrius', 'd25e8f6035b6405396ffcd85d3ad386cda0b849228e121610eb67e1fe5b08a20:MxstbrT2lEIHQBX5fYqIobNHzya1joha:3_32_2_67108864', '2023-11-05 18:30:58', '2024-09-05 13:53:15', '2024-09-05 12:53:23',(10, 'Auguste', 'Auguste911', '', 'Auguste', '27be42776468752fb637f14946462b8fe731f93c917ea83adf10fd28d1fac3b5:TI6dGhp8quaw3E0PsUxqowp5LsKwxSkx:3_32_2_67108864', '2023-11-09 09:26:22', '2024-06-13 07:18:48', '2024-01-02 19:55:51',(11, 'Milan', 'Cvetkovic', '', 'milan', '696ecfeb6e12456a73dd6f0f4549b87bc6378aad4c9a757309787ac2defe5042:5H3UxCNjaptIoqyWXFCK8Rhc965vbfB9:3_32_2_67108864', '2024-05-14 21:15:06', '2024-09-04(12, '', '', '', '', 'c1ce2c1b740291735dbafacce5c0a8acd83808b3380643e236a526d0d425620e:pS7FjNg39sZvbwfKntEV6BrKiHvkuwQg:3_32_2_67108864', '2024-06-13 07:20:58', '2024-09-05 07:13:57', '2024-09-05 07:13:57', 26, 0, 1, 'null', NULL, NULL, 'en_US', 0, NULL, NULL, NULL),(13, '', '', '', '', '753dda796899a004fa80090f828408771060a22e713ca47c7bd1a1c4bdb6edef:ts9GtcwKThhmQoK7LuRV9OVykepM5W7z:3_32_2_67108864', '2024-06-13 07:26:09', '2024-08-23 12:31:38', '2024-08-23 12:31:38',(14, '', '', '', '', '7a317c6ee762ef780d416269e7b5f5933910c82e781053a79d3f454eae1c60f4:tmQugRWliSGNlHIsyRGSgfIHtZpxoJiq:3_32_2_67108864', '2024-06-13 07:26:57', '2024-09-03 14:15:40', '2024-09-03 14:15:40',
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